Study Materials for the U.S. Naturalization Test


Most Radiant Hands' refugees clients Have arrived to U.S. between 2015 and 2017. Radiant Hands had worked with them from day one to fulfill their financial, educational, and cultural needs. After almost 5 years, the clients are preparing themselves to take the naturalization test to get their citizenships. Continuing its mission, Radiant Hands has launched this project to help them succeed in the naturalization test.

The test questions are being presented as flash cards which help in the memorization process. English and Arabic scripts are included in the same card to make it easier to understand and study. There is a listening feature that allows them to hear the questions and the answers in English.This is the most important feature because the test is oral test, so they need to be able to recognize the question and answer it by hearing it.

Who can benefit from this?

This project is targeting Radiant Hands' refugees clients whose native language is Arabic. Not only Radiant Hands' clients, but also all refugees and immigrants around the U.S. can benefit from this project.


  • Mohammad Al-Mousa- Project Manager

  • Joudi Al-Mousa- Test Bank creator

  • Nada Blassy- Digital Producer


The purpose of this study set is to provide easy study materials for refugees and immigrants who are willing to take the naturalization test. Some questions have many correct answers. We have chosen what we think the simplest answers to include in the set. In order to get more answers, please visit

The answers to questions 21, 24, 29, 30, 41, 44, 45, and 48 vary depending on time and location. The answers included in the set are the answers for people who are residents in the 15th district of Florida in 2021. Please visit the link below to find out the appropriate answers for you.

People who are above 65 and have lived lawfully in the United States for 20 years or more should study only the questions that have (*) at the end of them.


الهدف من مجموعة الدراسة هذه هو توفير مواد دراسية سهلة للاجئين و المهاجرين الذين سوف يأخذون اختبار التجنس. بعض الأسئلة لديها العديد من الإجابات الصحيحة. لقد اخترنا ما نعتقد أنه أبسط الإجابات لتضمينها في المجموعة. من أجل الحصول على المزيد من الإجابات يرجى زيارة

تختلف إجابات الأسئلة 21 و 24 و 29 و 30 و 41 و 44 و 45 و 48 حسب الوقت والمكان. الإجابات المضمنة في المجموعة هي إجابات الأشخاص المقيمين في المقاطعة الخامسة عشرة بولاية فلوريدا في عام 2021. يرجى زيارة الرابط أدناه لمعرفة الإجابات المناسبة لك

الأشخاص الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 65 عامًا والذين عاشوا بشكل قانوني في الولايات المتحدة لمدة 20 عامًا أو أكثر بإمكانهم دراسة الأسئلة التي تحتوي على (*) في نهايتها فقط